April 2018
Date Title
4/12/18 House National Security Dems Demand Answers on Trump’s Border Troop Deployment Files
4/10/18 Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith Opposes Pompeo and Haspel Nominations
March 2018
Date Title
3/29/18 Smith & Thornberry Announce Markup Schedule for FY 19 NDAA
3/26/18 Smith Statement on Expulsion of Russian Officials and Closure of Russian Consulate
3/23/18 Smith Statement on Transgender Military Service
3/5/18 PRESS ADVISORY: Smith, Thornberry Announce Off-the-Record NDAA 101 for Reporters
February 2018
Date Title
2/12/18 Smith Statement on FY 2019 Budget Request
2/7/18 Smith Statement on Trump Request for Military Parade
2/6/18 Smith Remarks on Defense Spending and Taxes
2/2/18 Smith Statement on the Nuclear Posture Review
January 2018
Date Title
1/31/18 Smith Statement on Guantanamo
1/31/18 Congressman Adam Smith Reaction to President Trump's State of the Union Address
1/30/18 Smith Statement on President Trump’s Refusal to Impose Russia Sanctions
1/26/18 Congressman Adam Smith Delivers Weekly Democratic Address
1/24/18 Smith Statement on the Nuclear Posture Review
1/22/18 Smith: “Republicans Can Pass a Bill to Ensure Our Troops Are Paid Anytime They Choose”
1/19/18 Statement on Funding for the United States Government
1/17/18 Readout of Briefing With GAO on DOD Cyber Policy, Operations, and Activities
December 2017
Date Title
12/7/17 Smith Statement on the 76th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor
November 2017
Date Title
11/30/17 Smith Opposes Trump Decision on Cluster Munitions
11/15/17 Smith Introduces Bill Establishing “No First Use” Policy for Nuclear Weapons Files
11/14/17 Smith Statement on Passage of the FY18 NDAA Conference Report Files
11/14/17 The General Running the Puerto Rico Response Is Leaving Already - Smith Statement: “Mission Is Not Accomplished”
11/14/17 Smith and Thornberry on FDA Provision
11/8/17 Smith Statement on the FY 18 NDAA Conference Report Files