February 2017
Date Title
2/1/17 Smith, Visclosky, and Co-Sponsors Introduce Base Closure and Realignment Bill
2/1/17 Top Dems Call on Pentagon to Investigate Flynn’s Payment for Dining with Putin in Moscow
January 2017
Date Title
1/30/17 Smith Statement on NSC Reorganization
1/26/17 Smith to Reintroduce Base Closure and Realignment Bill
1/23/17 Smith Statement on Trump Remarks and Politicization of the Military
1/19/17 Smith Statement on U.S. Air Strikes Against ISIL Camps in Libya
1/17/17 Smith Statement on Troop Deployment to Eastern Europe
1/13/17 Smith Statement on Excess Nuclear Weapons Designation
1/12/17 Ranking Member Smith Welcomes New Members to the Armed Services Committee
1/9/17 Smith Statement on Report Confirming Russian Plot to Intervene in the U.S. Election
1/3/17 Smith Statement on GOP Leadership Declining Russian Hacking Probes
December 2016
Date Title
12/24/16 Smith Statement on Nuclear Weapons Policy
12/13/16 Smith, Cummings, Conyers, Engel, Hoyer, Schiff, Thompson Joint Statement Calling for a Comprehensive Investigation of Russian Interference in the 2016 Election
12/7/16 Ranking Member Smith Statement on the 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor
12/6/16 Smith, National Security Ranking Members Send Letter to President Obama Urging Briefings on Russian Interference in U.S. Election
12/6/16 Ranking Member Smith Statement on Lt. General Michael Flynn
12/2/16 Ranking Member Smith Statement on Passage of the FY 2017 NDAA
12/2/16 Ranking Member Smith Statement on the Nomination of General Mattis for Secretary of Defense
November 2016
Date Title
11/17/16 Smith and Thornberry on the Passing of Mel Laird
11/10/16 Smith Statement on Additional Funding Request
October 2016
Date Title
10/26/16 House Armed Services Committee Leaders on Suspending the Collection of National Guard Bonuses
10/12/16 Smith Statement on the U.S. Military’s Disaster Relief Efforts
September 2016
Date Title
9/11/16 Smith Statement on the Anniversary of September 11
9/9/16 Smith Statement on North Korean Nuclear Test