March 2022
Date Title
3/2/22 HASC Schedule: March 7 – 11
February 2022
Date Title
2/28/22 Smith Announces HASC Senior Staff Transitions
2/26/22 Smith Reiterates Support for Aid to Ukraine, Accountability for Putin
2/25/22 MARCH 3: Rep. Adam Smith to Speak on America’s National Security Priorities
2/24/22 Smith Strongly Condemns Putin for Further Russian Invasion of Ukraine
2/23/22 HASC Schedule: February 28 – March 4
2/21/22 Smith Condemns Russian Actions
2/3/22 Smith Statement on ISIS Leader Special Operation
2/1/22 Armed Services Committees Leadership Announces Selections for Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Reform
2/1/22 HASC Schedule: February 7 – 11
January 2022
Date Title
1/25/22 Smith Statement on the Retirement of Congressman Jim Cooper
1/25/22 Smith Statement on the One-Year Anniversary of the End of Unconstitutional Ban on Transgender Military Service
1/21/22 Smith, Speier, Takano Call on Secretary Austin and Secretary Cisneros to Launch Historical Review and Survey on LGBTQ+ Military Inclusion Files
1/18/22 Smith Statement on the Retirement of Congressman Jim Langevin
1/12/22 HASC Schedule: January 17 – 21
1/4/22 Updated HASC Schedule: January 10 – 14
December 2021
Date Title
12/27/21 Smith Statement as the FY22 NDAA Is Signed Into Law
12/17/21 The Facts: How the FY22 NDAA Invests in America's Diverse Talent Pool
12/13/21 The Facts: Delivering Real Reforms to Address the Military Sexual Assault Crisis
12/10/21 What They Are Saying: FY22 NDAA Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Reforms Receive High Praise from Advocates
12/10/21 Smith Statement on the FY22 NDAA’s Transformative Reforms for Military Justice and Accountability
12/7/21 Democratic-Led House Passes Bipartisan, Bicameral NDAA Agreement
12/7/21 HASC, SASC Release Text of FY22 NDAA Agreement
12/6/21 ***POSTPONED*** Bipartisan, Bicameral FY22 NDAA Background Briefing
November 2021
Date Title
11/24/21 HASC Schedule: November 29 – December 3