July 2021
Date Title
7/28/21 Subcommittee on Readiness Mark Summary for H.R. 4350 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
7/28/21 Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations Mark Summary for H.R. 4350 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
7/27/21 Cyber, Innovative Technologies, and Information Systems Mark Summary for H.R. 4350 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
7/27/21 Military Personnel Mark Summary for H.R. 4350 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
7/27/21 Seapower and Projection Forces Mark Summary for H.R. 4350 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
7/27/21 Strategic Forces Mark Summary for H.R. 4350 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
7/23/21 ADVISORY: HASC Subcommittee Markup Press Background Briefings
7/22/21 Smith Praises Passage of H.R. 3985 the Averting Loss of Life and Injury by Expediting SIVs (ALLIES) Act
7/22/21 Defense Critical Supply Chain Task Force Releases Final Report
7/21/21 TOMORROW: Defense Critical Supply Chain Task Force to Unveil Final Report at the Center for a New American Security
7/14/21 HASC Schedule: July 19 - 23
7/8/21 Chairman Smith to Speak at Naval Postgraduate School on Advancing Defense Technological Leadership
7/8/21 Smith Reiterates Support for President Biden’s Decision to end the Country’s Longest War
7/6/21 HASC Schedule: July 12 - 16
7/2/21 Smith Welcomes Recommendations of the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault
7/2/21 Smith, Rogers Introduce “By Request” Bill and Begin FY22 National Defense Authorization Act Process
June 2021
Date Title
6/29/21 Chairs Smith, Maloney, Lynch, Garamendi, and McCollum Lead Colleagues in Demanding Navy Suspend Cuts to Naval Audit Service
6/23/21 Smith on Sexual Assault in the Military: Serious Action is Overdue, Time to Act is Now
6/22/21 HASC Schedule: June 28 - July 2
6/17/21 Smith Statement on Bipartisan Vote to Repeal the 2002 AUMF
6/16/21 HASC Schedule: June 21 - 25
6/15/21 Chairman Smith and Ranking Member Rogers Announce Markup Schedule for Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act
6/11/21 Smith Commends Biden-Harris Administration for Redirecting Border Wall Funds and Reprioritizing Military Construction
6/11/21 Smith Applauds Del Toro’s Nomination to Lead the United States Navy
6/8/21 HASC Schedule: June 14 - 18