September 2008
Date Title
9/24/08 House Approves FY09 Defense Authorization Bill
9/18/08 SKELTON and UDALL on GAO Findings Regarding Relocation of Operations from Cheyenne Mountain to Peterson AFB
9/10/08 Skelton Statement on Cancellation of the KC-X Tanker Solicitation
9/10/08 Skelton Statement on 9/11
9/9/08 Skelton Statement on Planned Troop Reductions in Iraq
9/9/08 Members of Congress Discuss CODEL to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Vienna
August 2008
Date Title
8/22/08 Skelton Encouraged by Agreement to Redeploy U.S. Troops from Iraq by 2011
8/12/08 Skelton Statement on the Situation in Georgia
8/7/08 SKELTON Letter Encourages TRADOC to Incorporate Wounded Warriors
8/1/08 Skelton on the Principles for a National Strategy
July 2008
Date Title
7/31/08 Skelton Speech on National Strategy at The Brookings Institution
7/24/08 Skelton on Our Role as the Indispensable Nation
7/23/08 Skelton and Taylor Applaud Navy Decision to Modify Shipbuilding Plan
7/16/08 Skelton on the United States’ Role in the World
7/10/08 Skelton on America’s Strategic Context
7/9/08 Skelton Statement on Secretary Gates’ Tanker Announcement
7/9/08 Skelton: U.S. Needs Comprehensive Strategy to Advance National Interests
7/2/08 Skelton Salutes Rescue of 3 American Hostages in Colombia
7/2/08 Skelton and Hunter Express Concerns Over NORAD Move
June 2008
Date Title
6/30/08 Skelton Renews Call to Make Afghanistan an Urgent Priority Reports to Congress Highlight Disturbing Trends in Afghanistan
6/26/08 Skelton and Abercrombie on Army FCS Announcement
6/19/08 Skelton: Afghanistan Must Be An Urgent Priority
6/19/08 Skelton Supports Bipartisan Compromise on FISA
6/18/08 Skelton Says Status of Forces Agreement Must Protect U.S. Troops in Iraq