November 2017
Date Title
11/7/17 Smith Statement on Air Force Mishandling the Sutherland Springs Shooter’s Criminal History Data
October 2017
Date Title
10/31/17 Smith Statement on the First Official Report Confirming the $1.2 Trillion Cost of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Upgrades Files
10/24/17 Armed Services Ranking Member Smith: “We Are Not Looking at a ’10 out of 10’ Response to Hurricane Maria”
10/17/17 Smith Statement on BRAC Report Showing That DOD Still Has Significant Excess Infrastructure Capacity Files
10/13/17 U.S. Representatives Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Transgender Servicemembers
10/13/17 Smith Statement on President Trump’s Decision to Decertify the Iran Deal
10/12/17 NDAA Goes to Conference: HASC Member Conferees
10/12/17 Smith: Give the Defense Department the Authority It Needs to Continue Providing Life-Saving Aid in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
10/3/17 Smith Statement on Hurricane Maria Relief Effort
September 2017
Date Title
9/28/17 Smith Statement on Racial Slurs at the Air Force Academy Preparatory School
9/27/17 Smith, Velazquez Lead House Democrats in Demanding Trump Provide Better Maria Response Files
9/25/17 Smith Statement on President Trump’s Inadequate Disaster Relief Efforts in Puerto Rico
9/11/17 Smith Statement on the Anniversary of September 11
August 2017
Date Title
8/28/17 Smith Statement on Trump Expansion of Program Giving Surplus Military Equipment to Law Enforcement Agencies
8/27/17 Smith Statement on LRSO and GBSD Contract Awards
8/25/17 Armed Services Ranking Member Smith Statement on Trump Transgender Ban
8/22/17 Smith Statement on Trump’s Lack of a Plan for Afghanistan
8/18/17 Smith Statement on the Elevation of Cyber Command to a Combatant Command
8/4/17 More Than 50 House Armed Services, Judiciary & LGBT Equality Caucus Democrats Urge Secretary of Defense & Joint Chiefs of Staff Not to Comply With Trump's Unconstitutional Transgender Ban
July 2017
Date Title
7/27/17 Smith, Bordallo Call for Temporary Suspension of the 1033 Program’s Controlled Property Transfers
7/26/17 Smith Statement on Transgender Military Service
7/23/17 Smith Statement on Trump Remarks and Politicization of the Military
7/21/17 Armed Services Leaders Appoint Members to Defense Strategy Commission
7/20/17 Transcript: Smith Remarks on U.S. Nuclear Posture Files
7/19/17 Smith Statement on the Commissioning of the USS Gerald Ford