July 2017
Date Title
7/19/17 Smith Statement on Senator John McCain
7/14/17 Smith Statement on Passage of the FY2018 NDAA in the House
7/13/17 Smith Welcomes Congressman Panetta to the House Armed Services Committee
7/11/17 Advisory: Defense Bill Comes to the House Floor
7/6/17 Smith Statement on President Trump’s Upcoming Meeting with Putin
7/5/17 Smith on Trump-Putin Meeting: “I wish he treated Vladimir Putin more like he treats CNN.”
7/1/17 Smith Statement on the Defense Department Delaying Transgender Enlistment
June 2017
Date Title
6/29/17 Transcript -- Remarks on Defense Spending and Budget Choices
6/29/17 Smith Statement on Passage of the FY 18 NDAA Out of Committee
6/28/17 On the Morning of the FY18 NDAA Markup, Smith Releases National Security Strategy Views on Russia
6/22/17 Ranking Member Adam Smith and 22 Armed Services Democrats Introduce Bill to Boost Unity and Deterrence Against Russian Aggression Files
6/18/17 Smith Statement on USS Fitzgerald Collision
6/16/17 Press Advisory: Subcommittee Markup Press Briefings
6/14/17 HASC to Distribute NDAA Amendments by Email to Credentialed Media
6/9/17 Press Advisory: HASC Staff to Host Off-Record Session on NDAA Markup Logistics
6/8/17 Smith, Thornberry, Langevin, and Stefanik Introduce Bipartisan Cyber Oversight Legislation
6/8/17 Smith, Thornberry Begin FY18 National Defense Authorization Process, Introduce “By Request” Bill to Start Defense Legislation
May 2017
Date Title
5/31/17 Smith Statement on Nuclear Weapons Spending in Trump Budget
5/30/17 Smith Decries Inflated Troop Numbers in Trump Budget
5/25/17 Smith Statement on Trump Fudging Navy Budget Numbers
5/24/17 Why it's Dangerous that the Trump Defense Budget Fails to Plan for the Future
5/23/17 Smith Statement on Defense Budget Request
5/19/17 Smith Statement on Evidence of Trump Collusion With Russia
5/18/17 Smith Statement on Acquisition Reform Bill