WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Adam Smith (D-Wash.), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, today released the following schedule of public events for the week of February 28 – March 4.

Full Committee Hearing: “Engagement with Allies and Partners”
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
(10:00am ET – 2118 Rayburn and via WebEx – Open)

Purpose: To examine Department of Defense and Department of State activities to engage with allies and partners in pursuit of U.S. national security objectives. The hearing provides an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the departments’ employment of security cooperation, security assistance, and other programs authorized by Congress for such purposes.


The Honorable Mara Karlin
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities
Department of Defense

The Honorable Jessica Lewis
Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs
Department of State

Subcommittee on Strategic Forces Hearing: “Fiscal Year 2023 Strategic Forces Posture Hearing”
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
(2:00pm ET – 2118 Rayburn and via WebEx – Open)

Purpose: To explore the policies, programs and priorities associated with the United States strategic forces — including national security space, nuclear forces missile defense and conventional prompt strike.


The Honorable Sasha Baker
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
U.S. Department of Defense

Admiral Charles Richard, USN
United States Strategic Command

General James Dickinson, USA
United States Space Command

General Glen VanHerck, USAF
United States Northern Command & North American Aerospace Defense Command

Subcommittee on Military Personnel Hearing: “Assessing the Effectiveness of Suicide Prevention Programs”
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
(2:00pm ET – 2118 Rayburn and via WebEx – Open)


Panel 1

Dr. Beth Zimmer Carter
Survivor Family

Ms. Bonnie Carroll
President and Founder
Tragedy Assistance Program For Survivors (TAPS)

Dr. Craig Bryan
Stress, Trauma And Resilience (STAR) Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Director, Suicide Prevention Program
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Panel 2

Dr. Karen Orvis
Defense Suicide Prevention Office
Department of Defense

Dr. Richard Mooney
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Health Services Policy and Oversight
Department of Defense

*DELAYED* Subcommittees on Seapower and Projection Forces and Readiness Joint Hearing: “State of the Surface Navy”
Thursday, March 3, 2022
(Updated: 11:00am ET – 2118 Rayburn and via WebEx – Open)

Purpose: In the aftermath of the Fitzgerald, McCain, and Bonhomme Richard mishaps, this hearing will allow the witnesses to testify as to the changes that have been implemented within the Surface Navy that will help prevent future mishaps.


Admiral William K. Lescher
Vice Chief of Naval Operations
Department of the Navy

Vice Admiral Roy Kitchener
Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Department of the Navy
