Time: 9 a.m.

Location: Rayburn 2212

PurposeThe witnesses will provide an update on the state of aging and undermaintained infrastructure across the Department of Defense. Testimony will include the impacts of deferred maintenance on the organic industrial base, research, development, test and training infrastructure such as the Department’s laboratories, and Department of Defense Quality of life infrastructure, particularly barracks, will also be a notable topic in light of the findings from the recent GAO study, “Military Barracks - Poor Living Conditions Undermine Quality of Life and Readiness."


The Honorable Brendan Owens

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Installations, Energy and Environment

Department of Defense


The Honorable Rachel Jacobson

Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment

Department of the Army


The Honorable Meredith Berger

Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Installations, Energy and Environment)

Department of the Navy


The Honorable Ravi Chaudhary

Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Energy and Environment

Department of the Air Force