Washington, D.C. – Today, House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith (D-WA) made the following statement about the resignation of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn:
“Two months ago, I stated that Lieutenant General Flynn’s judgment was abysmal and he should not be entrusted with policy decisions that affect the safety of the American people. The recent revelations about his dealings with the Russians underscored just how unfit he was for this position and made his resignation imperative.
“But perhaps even more importantly, these events raise grave questions about who in the White House knew about Flynn’s vulnerability to blackmail and exploitation by the Russian government, and when they knew about it. If anyone in the White House knew about Flynn’s vulnerability and chose not to act, they exercised inexcusably poor judgment that put the security of our country at enormous risk.
“What was the advice the White House counsel’s office gave in this matter, and whom did they give it to? Did any of those individuals receive that advice and choose to turn a blind eye to the risks that Flynn’s position posed to the United States? We must have answers to these questions, and we must have a full investigation that covers any and all connections to these events that could undermine the national security of the United States.”