SEATTLE, WA – Representative Adam Smith (D-Wash.), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, today released the following statement after the Department of Defense publicly released the 2022 National Defense Strategy, the 2022 Nuclear Posture Review, and the 2022 Missile Defense Review. 

"The United States faces profound threats to its national security. Beijing and Moscow are attempting to change the international order coercively -- and climate change, transnational terrorism, and health security are among the many other challenges affecting peace and stability across the globe. But, as pressing as these challenges are, one thing is clear: the Department of Defense has delivered a sound framework for defending U.S. national interests and contributing to a more secure world with its 2022 Strategic Reviews. 
"The new National Defense Strategy rightly prioritizes working with our unmatched network of allies and partners, and it focuses on achieving strategic objectives through ‘integrated deterrence,’ ‘campaigning,’ and ‘actions that build enduring advantages.’ Nurturing technology relationships with allies and partners is a key facet of the strategy. By strengthening innovation across the board, especially at home, we can advance a shared vision of an international order with respect for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.  
"I also commend the 2022 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) for its comprehensive, balanced approach toward achieving this goal. It reaffirms our need to maintain a safe, secure, and effective force for the fundamental purpose of deterring nuclear attack. During a time of increased saber-rattling by Putin, the NPR affirms our commitments to our allies and partners and places a needed focus on managing nuclear escalation risks and preserving strategic stability. 
"The 2022 Strategic Reviews also invest in a range of other tools needed to keep our country safe and competitive. By leading with pace-setting technological innovation, fueled by the rich diversity of our talent pipeline and reinforced by our strong network of alliances and partnerships, we can address the greatest threats to our national defense."
