Today Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman
Vic Snyder (D-AR) and Ranking Member Rob Wittman (R-VA) held
the fourth in a series of hearings on the status of
Professional Military Education. Witnesses from the three
service Academies, the Marine Corps’ Expeditionary
Warfare School and the Air Force’s Squadron Officer
College discussed pre-commissioning and primary-level
education for junior officers.
Chairman Vic Snyder (D-AR) opened
today’s hearing by stating, “It is increasingly
apparent that officers are being required to operate in joint,
interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational environments
earlier in their careers,” and asking, “Are
officers ready for this new operational reality?” Snyder
also expressed interest in the schools’ capacities to
provide the “foundations for strategy, particularly
through the study of history; language skills and cultural
competency; and hybrid warfare.”
Because the schools are critical to developing junior
officers, Snyder stressed, “Challenges need to be
identified and promptly corrected.” Chairman Snyder
was concerned about a reported shortage of laptop
computers at the Marine Corps’ Expeditionary Warfare
School, noting “they’re as essential in the
classroom as boots in the field.” In conclusion,
Snyder observed, “We need to ensure that these schools
continue to improve and boost their responsiveness to the
demands of current and future conflicts.”
Subcommittee Ranking Member Rob Wittman (R-VA)
said, “Company Grade Officer development is critical
because it is there that we begin to mold the future leaders
and strategic thinkers of our military. Today’s
hearing provided valuable insight into the challenges and
importance of grounding our junior officers with a strong
foundation on which to base their careers. I look forward
to working with our military leaders as they continue to
enhance the education of our future leaders.”
The subcommittee’s next hearing will seek testimony
from the services on PME policy.