Opening Statement (As Prepared)
Click here to stream the hearing.
Since last June, this bipartisan panel has diligently engaged with service members, spouses, advocacy groups, Department of Defense officials, and leaders across the Military Services on ways to improve:
Pay and compensation;
Child care;
Spouse employment; and
Health care.
By taking time to listen to the various stakeholders, we have identified best practices, as well as gaps in how the Department and the Services meet the needs of service members and their families.
This hearing affords us a chance to hear from our own colleagues who will share with us how their experiences, and their constituents’ experiences, have shaped what they see as opportunities to improve the quality of life of those currently serving.
As the panel develops its recommendations, we will take into account the very true adage -- that we recruit service members, but we retain their families. And it is quality of life issues that are often the deciding factor when someone is either considering joining the military service or remaining on active duty.
Lastly, I want to thank my colleagues on the Panel who have been very engaged in all of our briefings and hearings, as well as the Panel’s Chair, Mr. Bacon, for encouraging bipartisanship throughout the process.