WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Adam Smith (D-Wash.), Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement in support of President Biden granting full, complete, and unconditional pardons for former service members convicted of violating laws applied to the conduct of LGBTQ+ people serving in the U.S. military.  

“President Biden’s use of his clemency authority to pardon thousands of former service members persecuted and prosecuted simply for who they are is cause for celebration. It is also a fitting tribute to the greatest fighting force in the world that draws its strength from its diversity.

“It is undeniable that LGBTQ+ service members have a long and illustrious history of selfless service and heroic sacrifice. They have proved again and again their unwavering dedication and duty to defending our country by putting their own lives on the line, even as some seek to deny these patriots the very rights and freedoms for which many have fought and died.

“I applaud President Biden in taking this important step to address the bigotry that LGBTQ+ service members, both past and present, and their families have endured and continue to face. And I stand firmly with him in the fight to ensure our military remains open to all those willing to serve, and that all those who do serve get the respect and resources they need and deserve.”
