Opening Statement (As Prepared)

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Our military is facing its greatest recruiting shortfall since the inception of our All-Volunteer Force over 50 years ago, so I’m glad we’re holding a hearing on this very important topic.

There is no doubt that the dwindling connection between our nation’s younger generations and knowing family or friends who have served in the military are influencing their willingness to put on America’s uniform.

So, I’m interested in hearing from our witnesses how they are engaging with Gen Z as well as on how they are being innovative in recruiting practices to convey the value of service – both in the military and through civil service.

Also, whether it’s re-examining the medical standards or ensuring the right bonus structures are in place, I want to know how the Services are measuring the effectiveness of these efforts in ensuring we are able to recruit the best and brightest.

We know this is a challenge money alone cannot solve. So, today I would like to hear how you’re thinking out of the box to attract a generation of people who don’t know a world without iPhones or the internet.

Regardless of what’s in the news, I believe all of us in this room want the same thing -- we want the strongest possible military to defend our nation.

And we should work together to foster a culture that encourages and rewards excellence, creativity, innovation, and critical thinking so our military can continue to meet emerging challenges around the globe.

I, for one, value the importance of public service – be it in active duty or through civil service. The brave men and women of our armed services are an inspiration and I know we need to support them and military leadership to invest in our people and fully recognize who it is that keeps us safe.

Thank you to the witnesses again for being here and I yield the balance of my time.