Washington D.C. - House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Congressman Adam Smith released the following statement in response to the release of Ali Musa Daqduq, a Hezbollah operative accused of killing American troops, and committing other acts of terrorism:
“I am deeply concerned that the Iraqi government would release a known terrorist, who is also believed to be a Hezbollah operative with American blood on his hands.
“The release of Al Mussa Daqduq is an outrageous act for a government that professes friendship with the United States. Iraq and the United States are two nations at war with the same terrorist organizations, and we should be working together to defeat them. Unfortunately, the failure of the Iraqi government to prosecute, convict, and punish this Hezbollah terrorist, or even transfer him to US custody for prosecution, as the Administration requested, demonstrates that the government of Iraq does not take this struggle as seriously as they should.
“I applaud the Obama Administration for its efforts to prevent this release. Ultimately, Iraq is a sovereign government that made this unwise decision on their own. For the sake of the next-of-kin of those who were murdered by Daqduq and his followers in the Karbala raid, I am deeply sorry that the government of Iraq chose to take this step.”