TOMORROW: Defense Critical Supply Chain Task Force to Unveil Final Report at the Center for a New American Security
Task Force Co-Chairs to Discuss Completed Report and its Findings
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tomorrow the bipartisan Defense Critical Supply Chain Task Force co-chairs – Representatives Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) and Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) – join the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) to announce the panel’s final report and recommendations.  
The Defense Critical Supply Chain Task Force was chartered in March 2021 to identify opportunities for strengthening defense supply chains and the U.S. defense industrial base. Thursday’s conversation will highlight the Task Force’s report and findings.
WHAT:          Strengthening America's Defense Supply Chain: A Conversation with Rep. Elissa Slotkin and Rep. Mike Gallagher on the Defense Critical Supply Chain Task Force’s final report
WHO:             Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.)
                       Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.)
                       Martijn Rasser, Senior Fellow and Director of the CNAS Technology and National Security Program – Moderator
WHEN:          Thursday, July 22, 2021
                      12:30 p.m. ET
WHERE:       Interested members of the media should RSVP using this link.