WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Adam Smith (D-Wash.), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, today released the following schedule of public events for the week of June 7 - 11. 
Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces Hearing: “Fiscal Year 2022 Army and Marine Corps Ground Systems Modernization Programs”
Monday, June 7, 2021
(3:00pm ET – Virtual via WebEx – Open) 

Purpose: The Subcommittee will meet in open session to receive testimony on the fiscal year (FY) 2022 budget request from the Army and Marine Corps on Ground Systems Modernization Programs. 
Mr. Douglas Bush
Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA(ALT))
Department of the Army
General John M. Murray, USA
Commanding General
Army Futures Command 
Mr. Frederick “Jay” Stefany
Acting Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition 
Department of the Navy
Lieutenant General Eric M. Smith 
Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command and Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration 
U.S. Marine Corps
Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces Hearing: “Air Force Projection Forces Aviation Programs and Capabilities Related to the 2022 President’s Budget Request”
Tuesday, June 8, 2021 
(11:00am ET – Virtual via WebEx – Open) 
Ms. Darlene Costello
Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
Acquisition, Technologies and Logistics
Department of the Air Force
Lieutenant General David S. Nahom
Deputy Chief of Staff
Plans and Programs
Department of the Air Force
Lieutenant General S. Clinton Hinote
Deputy Chief of Staff
Strategy, Integration and Requirements
Subcommittee on Readiness Hearing: “Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Request for Military Readiness”
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 
(3:00pm ET – Virtual via WebEx – Open)
General Joseph M. Martin
Vice Chief of Staff of the Army
Department of the Army
Admiral William K. Lescher
Vice Chief of Naval Operations
Department of the Navy
General David W. Allvin
Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force
Department of the Air Force
General Gary L. Thomas
Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps
United States Marine Corps
General David D. Thompson
Vice Chief of Staff of Space Operations
United States Space Force

Subcommittee on Strategic Forces Hearing: “FY22 Budget Request for Nuclear Forces and Atomic Energy Defense Activities”
Thursday, June 10, 2021
(11:00am ET –Virtual via WebEx – Open)
Purpose: The Subcommittee will receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2022 President’s Budget request for U.S. nuclear weapon and warhead modernization and sustainment plans. The hearing will also cover nuclear deterrence, strategic stability, and the role of arms control and allies in the context of U.S. nuclear policy and programmatic priorities.
Ms. Melissa Dalton 
Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities  
U.S. Department of Defense 
Dr. Charlie Verdon  
Acting Administrator  
National Nuclear Security Administration 
Vice Admiral Johnny Wolfe 
Director, Strategic Systems Programs 
U.S. Navy

Lt Gen James Dawkins
Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration
U.S. Air Force

Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations Hearing: “FY22 Defense Intelligence Enterprise Posture Hearing”

Friday, June 11, 2021
(11:00am ET – Virtual via WebEx – Open) 
Purpose: The Subcommittee will receive testimony on the Department's intelligence strategies, policies, and programs. The hearing will provide an opportunity to further understand the strategic security environment and long-range emerging threats. Execution of the hearing will allow Members to assess the effectiveness of the current and future posture of the Defense Intelligence Enterprise to understand and support operations related to high-consequence threats.

Mr. Ronald Moultrie 
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security
U.S. Department of Defense

General Paul M. Nakasone
National Security Agency
Lieutenant General Scott D. Berrier
Defense Intelligence Agency
[POSTPONED] Subcommittee on Readiness Hearing: “Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Request for Military Construction, Energy, and Environmental Programs”
Friday, June 11, 2021 
(3:00pm ET – Virtual via WebEx – Open)

**NOTE: Due to a scheduling conflict this hearing has been POSTPONED**
Mr. Paul D. Cramer
Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
Mr. Jack Surash
Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army
Installations, Environment and Energy
Department of the Army
Mr. Todd Schafer 
Acting Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Installations, Environment and Energy
Department of the Navy
Ms. Jennifer L. Miller 
Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
Installations, Environment and Energy
Department of the Air Force


We strongly recommend that members of the media view hearings remotely. The Capitol currently has restricted access, and non-credentialed media will not be able to access House Office Buildings. Only credentialed members of the media will be allowed access to the press viewing area in committee hearing rooms and must RSVP to their respective press gallery no later than 3:00 p.m. the day prior to the hearing they wish to attend.