- Stephanie Miller Radio Show - On February 7, Ranking Member Adam Smith when on the Stephanie Miller Radio Show to discuss Syria, Iran and Afghanistan. Stephanie Miller Iran-Afghanistan 2.7.2011.mp3 (2.6 MBs)
- Cooper and Minority Statement - Cooper Additional Statement Final signed.pdf (71.7 KBs)
- Dissenting Views - Dissenting Views Final Signed.pdf (341.6 KBs)
- Due Process and Military Detention Amendments Act - SMITWA_027_xml.pdf (33.5 KBs)
- Due Process Fact Sheet - detention fact sheet 3 7 12.pdf (52.1 KBs)
- Smith Amendment - Smith Amendment.pdf (27.9 KBs)
- ACLU Letter - ACLU Oppose Rigell Bill 4 16 12.pdf (43.6 KBs)
- • Letter from 27 retired Generals and Admirals in Support of Amendment - Letter from 27 retired Generals and Admirals in Support of Amendment 2012.05.16 RML letter on NDAA 2013.pdf (24.7 KBs)
- Fact Sheet on Smith-Amash Amendment - Fact Sheet 4.16.2012.pdf (26.0 KBs)
- Smith Amash Amendment Text - FLR-112H4192_001_xml.pdf (29.3 KBs)
- Lawfare Article - Lawfare Article.pdf (41.9 KBs)
- Letter in Support from 25 Outside Groups - Letter from 25 Outside Groups.pdf (37.8 KBs)
- US Constitution - US Constitution.pdf (103.7 KBs)
- Myth vs. Fact - Myth vs Facts 4.16.2012.pdf (17.3 KBs)
- Military Spouses Equal Treatment Act of 2012 - SMITWA_044_xml.pdf (40.5 KBs)
- FY 2013 NDAA - Conference Report Summary 12.15.2012.pdf (97.3 KBs)
- Letter to President on GTMO - Smith Letter to President on GTMO May 21 2013.pdf (73.9 KBs)
- Flemming 1 - FLemming 1.pdf (71.7 KBs)
- Smith GTMO Amendment - AS2.pdf (37.5 KBs)
- Recent quotes from retired generals and admirals - Quote Sheet - Retired Generals and Admirals on Closing Guantanamo.pdf (83.2 KBs)
- Cost of GTMO - GTMO Cost 7.24.2013.pdf (767.7 KBs)
- GTMO Cost Chart - GTMO Cost 7.24.2013.pdf (767.7 KBs)
- Cost Chart - COST Chart 7-June-2013.pdf (39.0 KBs)
- Smith-Levin Letter Concern over Denial of Benefits - Smith-Levin Letter to Hagel (9-30-13).pdf (41.9 KBs)
- DoD Cost of Benghazi - DoD Cost of Benghazi.pdf (108.0 KBs)
- ENLIST Act - ENLIST Act Amendment.pdf (87.6 KBs)
- Sec Dem Iron Dome Letter - Iron Dome Letters from SD.pdf (189.0 KBs)
- Frank Rose Letter - letter Frank Rose nomination 0714.pdf (87.0 KBs)
- Ukraine Bill - Ukraine Bill 2.11.2015.pdf (40.7 KBs)
- CNO Letter - CNO Letter.pdf (579.1 KBs)