Markup of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023
Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations
Thursday, June 9, 2022
(10:00am ET - Rayburn 2118 and virtual via WebEx - Open)
If the “covered period” designated by the Speaker pursuant to H. Res. 8 allowing for hybrid committee proceedings is extended to cover the dates listed above, then the subcommittee markups and the full committee markup will be held in the hybrid format. Further details and confirmation on the format will be forthcoming as information is made available.
Related Files
- 20220614_FY23NDAA_ISO_MARK_ASREPORTED.pdf (290.9 KBs)
- 2022609_ISO_Opening Statement_Gallego.pdf (214.3 KBs)
- 20220609_FY23NDAA_ISO_MARK.pdf (309.6 KBs)