CITI Hearing: "The Future of War: Is the Pentagon Prepared to Deter and Defeat America’s Adversaries?"
Thursday, February 9, 2023
(8:30 a.m. ET -- Rayburn 2118)
Purpose: The subcommittee will meet to receive testimony on the changing character of warfare and how the Department of Defense is preparing for the future.
Mr. Chris Brose
Rear Admiral (Ret) Mark Montgomery
Senior Director, Center on Cyber Technology and Innovation
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Mr. Peter Singer
Strategist at New America and Managing Partner of Useful Fiction LLC
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Related Files
- Witness Testimony CITI Brose.pdf (112.0 KBs)
- Witness Testimony CITI Singer.pdf (108.8 KBs)
- Witness Testimony CITI Montgomery.pdf (353.8 KBs)
- 230209_RK Opening Statement.pdf (99.6 KBs)