Time: 1 p.m.

Location: 2212 Rayburn

Purpose: To provide Members an opportunity to hear from outside experts and the military service personnel chiefs on the principles, policies, and procedures used for accessions, promotions, and command selections in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Space Force. Allow members to assess whether merit-based principles are adhered to within the military personnel system and determine best personnel practices to further military readiness."



The Honorable Peter Levine

Former (Acting) Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness

Department of Defense


Robert Greenway

Director, Center for National Defense

The Heritage Foundation


Will Thibeau

Director, American Military Project at the Center for the American Way of Life

Claremont Institute


Lieutenant General Douglas Stitt, USA

Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1


Vice Admiral Richard Cheeseman Jr., USN

Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Personnel


Lieutenant General Caroline M. Miller, USAF

Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, & Services


Dr. Michael Strobl, SES

Assistant Deputy Commandant for Manpower & Reserve Affairs


Ms. Katharine Kelley, SES

Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Human Capital