Date Title
5/14/08 Full Committee mark up of H.R. 5658 – To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2009, and for other purposes, Part 3
5/14/08 Full Committee mark up of H.R. 5658 – To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2009, and for other purposes, Part 5
5/8/08 Readiness Subcommittee mark up of H.R. 5658 – To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2009, and for other purposes
5/8/08 Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee mark up of H.R. 5658 – To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2009, and for other purposes
5/8/08 Seapower and Expeditionary Forces Subcommittee mark up of H.R. 5658 – To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2009, and for other purposes
5/7/08 Strategic Forces Subcommittee mark up of H.R. 5658 – To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2009, and for other purposes
5/7/08 Air and Land Forces Subcommittee mark up of H.R. 5658 – To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2009, and for other purposes
5/7/08 Military Personnel Subcommittee mark up of H.R. 5658 – To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for military activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2009, and for other purposes
4/24/08 Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee Joint Hearing with the Subcommittee on Research and Science Education of the Science and Technology Committee on the role of the social and behavioral sciences in national security
4/23/08 Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearing on challenges associated with achieving full dental readiness in the reserve component, Part 2