WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Adam Smith (D-Wash.), Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement regarding legislative efforts to prevent President Biden from pausing dumb bomb shipments to Israel.

“The Biden Administration’s policy and support of Israel has been ironclad and clear from Day One—Israel has the right to defend itself in the face of the existential threat that Hamas poses, it has a right to respond to the horrific terrorist attacks of October 7th, and it has a right to take the necessary steps to ensure that such horrors never again befall their people. The Administration has done that by rapidly providing support to Israel and continuing to provide capabilities.

“What has also been clear from the start is the widely shared and legitimate concern for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and that Israel has a duty to mitigate civilian harm and allow access for assistance. The Administration has determined that a pause for 2,000- and 500-pound ‘dumb bombs’ makes sense as the Administration continues to engage the Government of Israel on the Rafah operation in a highly populated area. The Administration also continues to transfer precision-guided weapons and provide other military support for Israel as they address the legitimate threats from Hamas. The only munitions currently being withheld are the dumb bombs, which would be inappropriate to be used in a densely populated area such as Rafah. If you believe Israel has a responsibility to mitigate civilian harm while still dealing with Hamas in a targeted and effective manner, you should support the President’s policy and oppose the legislation that may be considered next week.

“That legislation is a blunt instrument that would have significant national security impacts—denying the President’s ability to make foreign policy decisions and forcing the Administration to immediately send dumb bombs. It ties the hands of the President in a vain effort to score political points at home.

“By prohibiting the President’s ability to make foreign policy decisions regarding pauses in weapons transfers, in this case to Israel, it would set a 'carte blanche' precedent—removing checks, oversight, and accountability for arms sales. To do so would be tantamount to writing a blank check to unconditionally send weapons, something we cannot do no matter how close an ally or friend.

“Rather than forcing the immediate shipment of dumb bombs, we should be empowering the President to have the time and space to support Israel as it defends against legitimate threats in a targeted way and work to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. I urge my colleagues to support efforts to ensure the Government of Israel and the Palestinian people can achieve a peaceful solution that benefits those in the region and everyone around the world.”
