Ranking Member Andy Kim
Opening Statement (As Prepared)
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In my new role as Ranking Member, I am proud to be a part of the HASC tradition of developing a bipartisan subcommittee mark that is focused on taking care of service members and their families.
This mark addresses many quality-of-life priorities for our service members and their families. These issues have an immeasurable impact on recruitment and retention efforts.
The bill supports a raise in basic pay raise for our service members of 5.2% and excludes the housing allowance from household income for the purposes of the Basic Needs Allowance. These, and several other provisions in the Military Personnel mark, should positively impact service members’ pocketbooks and their ability to put food on the table.
To curb the number of suicides among service members, we are taking action on several of the Suicide Prevention and Response Independent Review Committee (SPRIRC) Report recommendations including those related to promotions and delays in reimbursements to families. We are also addressing access to clinical and non-clinical behavioral health providers so beneficiaries are able to get the care they need, when they need it.
DOD operates the largest employer-sponsored child care program in the country, which is essential to overall mission readiness, retention, and recruitment for the military so we are increasing funding for child care programs. The mark also expands existing child care pilots to increase the number of options available. We are also encouraging the Department to look outside the gates for innovative solutions on how to better meet the child care needs of military families.
Our service members and their families make considerable sacrifices for our Nation. We must continue our commitment to them and their families.
Finally, I’d like to echo Mr. Banks, in acknowledging the committee staff’s efforts. They have worked diligently and in a bipartisan manner to develop the subcommittee mark before us today.