Ranking Member Ro Khanna

Opening Statement (As Prepared)

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Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to express my gratitude to you and your dedicated staff for the collaborative efforts in crafting this mark. This subcommittee continues to raise the standard for cooperation, transparency, and bipartisanship. While there are aspects I would have approached differently, overall, I believe this legislation will significantly improve innovation, cybersecurity, and technology transition at the DoD. Specifically, I am encouraged by the bills efforts to make organizational improvements that will facilitate the development, integration, and adoption of emerging technologies. Addressing this challenge within the Pentagon requires joint commitment, and together with the Chairman, I am dedicated to ensuring that the Department has all the necessary resources and opportunities to embrace innovative technologies, many being developed in my district of Silicon Valley.
This legislation exemplifies the spirit of compromise and bipartisanship that this committee should and does embody.
I would like to extend my special appreciation to the hardworking bipartisan subcommittee staff members - Sarah, Michael, Josh, Caroline, Wendell, Payson, and Brooke - whose tireless efforts behind the scenes have made this mark possible.
I wholeheartedly urge the adoption of this mark. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I yield back.