Washington D.C. –House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith released the following statement after the President signed the Fiscal Year 2012 National Defense Authorization Act into law:
“I am pleased to see that the President signed this important piece of legislation into law. Overall, this bill prioritizes our troops deployed in Afghanistan, and around the world, by ensuring that they have the tools and resources they need to do their job and protect national security. It also provides our troops and their families with the benefits and support that they deserve, including a 1.6 percent pay increase.
“It continues to make counterterrorism a priority and makes significant investments in all branches of our Armed Services, ensuring that our military is prepared to meet the threats of today as well as in the future. It supports our troops as they continue to fight overseas, invests in new technologies for the future, and protects vital military equipment production capacity here at home.
“The bill restores the authority of the President to move satellites and related items from the United States Munitions List to the Commerce Control List. The language strikes the right balance between economics and security. It allows our satellite industry to keeps its competitive edge, while protecting information and technology vital to our national security.
“I share many of the President’s concerns with this bill, but also agree that, overall, this bill was worthy of becoming law. Moving forward, I will continue to work to make sure that the President is not needlessly restricted in his ability to try, detain and prosecute suspected terrorists while at the same time making sure that our basic civil rights are protected.
“In drafting the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, the House Armed Services Committee worked diligently to strengthen our support for the troops and their families, and to address some of the bill’s shortfalls. I believe we made a lot of progress, but more work remains to be done and I look forward to working with my colleagues as well as the Administration moving forward.”