Full Committee Mark Up
Ranking Member Smith’s Opening Statement at FY 2012 Nation Defense Authorization Act Markup
Subcommittee Marks
Military Personnel
Legislative Language and Summary
Statement from Military Personnel Subcommittee Ranking Member Susan A. Davis on Release of Subcommittee Mark:
“I want to thank the Chairman, Mr. Wilson, staff and all members of the Military Personnel for their hard work in crafting this important piece of legislation and for working in such a bipartisan manner,” said Ranking Member Davis. “Nearly ten years of armed conflict has taken a toll on our service members, and it is my goal to ensure that we are doing everything possible to ensure that they have the benefits and support that they deserve. To that end, I am particular pleased that the mark includes several provisions that I strongly support such as a 1.6 percent pay raise, apprenticeship programs to help transition of our service members back into their communities and efforts to continue to reduce sexual assault and harassment in the Services.”
Military Personnel Subcommittee Home Page
Emerging Threats and Capabilities
Legislative Language and Summary
Statement from Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee Ranking Member James R. Langevin on Release of Subcommittee Mark:
“I want to thank Chairman Thornberry and all members of the subcommittee, for their efforts in crafting this important piece of legislation and for their commitment to bipartisanship and our troops. As demonstrated by the key role our Special Operations forces played in eliminating Osama Bin Laden on Sunday, these brave men and women are an essential part of our Armed Services and this mark affirms our commitment to supporting their efforts,” said Ranking Member James Langevin. “Moving forward, their role will only grow and we must continue to make supporting them a central aspect to our national security strategy. Additionally, this mark prioritizes cybersecurity, which has long been a chief focus of mine and which continues to grow significantly in importance.”
Subcommittee Mark Up Opening Statement
Strategic Forces
Legislative Language and Summary
Statement from Strategic Forces Subcommittee Ranking Member Loretta Sanchez on Release of Subcommittee Mark:
“I would like to thank Chairman Turner, our Subcommittee members and our staff for their hard work in shaping this legislation to support US strategic forces” said Ranking Member Loretta Sanchez. “I am pleased that we were able to support in a bipartisan way many important provisions, including measures that advance national security and that also promote fiscal responsibility, such as improving satellite acquisition and operations, increasing efficiencies at nuclear sites, and implementing New START reductions.”
“The Subcommittee mark also recommends full funding for atomic energy defense programs to support nuclear nonproliferation efforts, sustain a reliable, safe and effective nuclear deterrent, and make much-needed progress on nuclear environmental clean-up at Hanford, WA and other contaminated sites. While we agree on the need for effective and proven missile defenses, we disagree on the need for a $100 million funding increase to Ground-based Midcourse missile defense which was included in the mark. I look forward to having engaging debates with my colleagues on missile defense provisions and on nuclear weapons policy at full committee next week,” concluded Sanchez.
Subcommittee Mark Up Opening Statement
Tactical Air and Land Forces
Legislative Language and Summary
Statement from Tactical air and Land Forces Subcommittee Ranking Member Silvestre Reyes on Release of Subcommittee Mark:
“This proposal strikes the right balance between meeting today’s critical military needs and setting the stage for the future. It supports our troops as they continue to fight overseas, invests in new technologies for the future, and protects vital military equipment production capacity here at home. I am especially pleased with how it supports current and future US Army needs. The Army has borne the brunt of the fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, and this proposal puts the Army on a path to strengthen readiness and build new capability. I commend Chairman Bartlett on putting together the proposal in a bipartisan and inclusive manner.”
Subcommittee Mark Up Opening Statement
Seapower and Projection Forces
Legislative Language and Summary
Statement from Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee Ranking Member Mike McIntyre on Release of Subcommittee Mark:
“I would like to thank my good friend, Mr. Akin, as well as all the subcommittee members and staff for their hard work and commitment to bipartisanship in putting together this mark,” said Ranking Member Mike McIntyre.
“This mark provides our men and women in uniform with the vital resources they need to carry out their mission. This committee fully supports a robust shipbuilding plan that will help us to reach the Navy’s stated goal of 313 ships. In addition, this mark includes several provisions that will require increased oversight over critical programs to ensure they stay on schedule and on cost, part of this committee’s commitment to protecting tax payer dollars. I fully support this mark and look forward to continue working with the Chairman as we move forward in our process.”
Subcommittee Mark Up Opening Statement
Legislative Language and Summary
Statement from Readiness Subcommittee Ranking Member Madeleine Bordallo on Release of Subcommittee Mark:
Subcommittee Mark Up Opening Statement