WASHINGTON, D.C. - Female members of the U.S. armed services were recognized today by the House of Representatives for their service to their country. Female service members continue to grow the ranks of the military and the historic roles they play in the service to America.
“Every time I visit military installations, I am constantly impressed by the tremendous job our service members are doing,” said Rep. Davis, Chairwoman of the House Subcommittee on Military Personnel. “Today, the House pays special tribute to the women of America’s military, past and present, who have served their nation in peace and at war at great personal sacrifice for both themselves and their families. With Veterans Day approaching, we should recognize that our servicewomen play an increasingly important role in America’s modern military forces, and our country is the better for it.”
As an example, Davis described a meeting last year with a group of female service members whose mission is to provide culturally-sensitive search and engagement activities for combat units deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. These women are referred to as “Lionesses.”
An apt name, Davis pointed out, because, like a lioness, their work demands a unique combination of sensitivity and strength on the ground, underlined by loyalty to their units and their country.
Women have voluntarily served in every U.S. conflict since the Revolutionary War, and more than 600,000 have served in the wars between World War I and the Gulf War. There have been more than 185,000 women deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, and other missions since 2001.
H. Res. 868 was passed on a vote of 366 to 0.