Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations Hearing: “FY23 Hearing to Review Department of Defense Strategy, Policy, and Programs for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Friday, April 1, 2022
(10:00am ET – 2118 Rayburn and via Webex – Open) 
Purpose: To provide members an opportunity to examine the roles, responsibilities, and authorities governing the Department of Defense Chemical and Biological Defense Programs; and how the Department is postured and resourced to address the most pressing of these threats.
The Honorable John Plumb
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy
The Honorable Deborah G. Rosenblum
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs
Vice Admiral Collin Patrick Green
Deputy Commander
U.S. Special Operations Command
Dr. Rhys M. Williams
Acting Director, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment